We build a diverse community of inquisitive young minds and deliver a contemporary grammar school education which challenges and inspires.
We give our students the stimuli to spark their imagination and encourage them to ‘think big’, both inside and outside the classroom.
We motivate our students to push their boundaries, to explore something new and to emerge as visionary young adults.
It's about discovery…
…providing a broad curriculum which challenges and inspires all students.
It's about individuality...
...ensuring that every student is transformed into their best self.
It's about togetherness…
…a culture of sharing and spurring each other on to achieve.
The School intends to design and offer a curriculum, at all levels, characterised by:
- Breadth: students experience a range of aspects of learning (knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes) and cognitive skills (aesthetic / creative, analytical, moral, linguistic, mathematical, spiritual, scientific / technical, physical) and supportive co-curricular experiences
- Intellectual Challenge: intellectually and personally, students will be given a strong academic foundation in the arts, humanities, modern foreign languages, creative and performance areas, sciences, social sciences, technologies. Each aspect of learning and each cognitive or physical skill is valued
- Balance: each aspect of learning and each cognitive skill is valued, all students will be encouraged to learn across the curriculum in each subject
- Coherence: students’ experiences are planned holistically rather than as discrete elements; key knowledge and skills are revisited for consolidation
- Relevance: students’ experiences relate to: previous learning, the future, to employment, to the necessary cultural capital needed to succeed and their world, and can be applied to life
- Sequencing: students’ experiences incorporate short and long-term goals in which cumulative learning, and cognitive skills are developed, improved and retained
- Personalisation: all students have as unrestricted a choice as is possible for the school to provide, and experiences are designed to meet their needs, adapting and making reasonable adjustments where necessary. Independence is encouraged while diversity is respected and embraced
- Awareness: personal, social, emotional, cultural, careers and global, via themes: social justice and equity, identity and diversity, globalisation and interdependence, sustainable development, peace and conflict, human rights, power and governance
- Enrichment: co-curricular experiences are offered to complement and extend students’ knowledge, understanding and skills
Successful Implementation of the Curriculum Means:
- We effectively allocate the school’s teaching and learning resources (staff, accommodation, facilities, materials, expertise)
- We respond to change in students' needs rapidly and effectively in the short and long-term
- We provide character-building opportunities for students, measured against the Floydian Scholar attributes
- We use of the school’s assessment and marking policy as diagnostic and developmental tools and report on progress to students and their parents or carers
- We make our curriculum offer accessible and comprehensible to students irrespective of cultural background or personal circumstances
- We achieve an appropriate balance between the needs of individuals and of groups
- We involve all stakeholders but primarily staff, students, parents and governors as partners in learning
- We structure and plan after consultation, opinion and advice from staff, students and salient others so that the end-product reflects collective thinking
- We comply with the relevant statutory requirements
Each student achieves the best possible outcomes for themselves in terms of knowledge, skills, qualifications and social engagement
Each student chooses the appropriate pathway for them and can access their preferred choices
Each student leaves the school ready and willing to join society as a responsible, aware and active, global citizen