If you have an urgent concern about a child, please email
At Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School, the health, safety and well-being of every child is our paramount concern. We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. Our aim is that children will enjoy their time as pupils in this school. We want to work in partnership with you to help your child to achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution.
To promote a safe environment for pupils, our selection and recruitment policy includes all checks on staff and regular volunteers’ suitability, including Vetting and Barring Checks, as recommended by Buckinghamshire County Council in accordance with current legislation. Everyone has a role to play in helping to protect children. All children have a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect.
The Chair of Governors is Mr Spencer Guy and the Safeguarding Governor is Nicola Pearce, they can be contacted at and
On rare occasions our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies. Unless it is not safe for a child, we would always aim to achieve this with a parent's consent. The procedures, which we follow, have been laid down by the Local Safeguarding Childrens Board, and the school has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this for the safety of all. If you want to know more about our procedures, please speak to the Headteacher or the Designated Child Protection Senior Person or your child’s tutor.
We have provided some helpful links below for parents, carers and members of the wider community. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, visit to get the number for your local authority. For Buckinghamshire, call the First Response Team on 0845 460 0001 or 01296 383962 and out of hours 0800 999 7677 or email:
Please see our Safeguarding Team here. The SHFGS Safeguarding team can also be contacted directly via email.
Insignis Academy Trust Safeguarding Statement of Intent
Child Protection Policy 2024-25
External support services for parents and carers
Managing back to school anxiety top tips for parents and carers
Student Well-Being Support Over Weekends and Breaks
Please see our Mental Health section page on our website that has useful links and resources
If you have any concerns about your own or someone else’s welfare or safety, you must report it. It is better to tell someone, rather than failing to tell anyone and you or the person you are worried about possibly being exposed to further risk of harm.
Please email: