Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School


Insignis Academy Trust

Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School (SHFGS) became a multi academy trust in July 2016 and a new organisation Insignis Academy Trust (IAT) was formed. IAT is a Buckinghamshire based multi academy trust comprising six schools – Princes Risborough School, Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School, Sir William Ramsay School, The Kingsbrook School, The Mandeville School and Ashmead Combined School. Insignis is Latin for “outstanding” or “remarkable” which is the ambition for all IAT schools. For more information visit the Insignis Academy Trust website here.

IAT Vision: To provide an exceptional educational experience for young people locally

Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School Local Governing Body (SHFGS LGB)

SHFGS LGB works with the Trust Board to enhance the educational experience for all SHFGS students and ensure they are well prepared for life in the adult community and make a positive contribution to society.


  • is as an integral part of the school community creating robust governance, systems and structures which facilitate students’ academic success, enjoyment of learning and social, moral and spiritual development.
  • monitors, reviews and evaluates school improvement and directs improvement.
  • works alongside senior and executive leaders to set challenging targets for the school.


To Email the Chair of Governors, Mr Spencer Guy click here.

Governance Documents Including Articles of Association:

Key Governance documents for all IAT schools

Governor Pecuniary Interest and Meeting Attendance for all IAT Schools

Annual Reports and Financial Statements