Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School

House System

We encourage our students to be both competitive, yet selfless; to strive to succeed but to also celebrate one another's efforts. Our House system allows a sense of camaraderie amongst our students where they can compete to their best ability, cheered on by the support of their peers. Our houses are named after estates,  some owned by the Rothschild family, in the immediate vicinity of Aylesbury.

Current House Competitions

Heads of House (staff) and House Captains (student Leadership) 2024-25


Head of House


House Captains and Vice-Captains  (sixth-formers)

Mr Wilkinson

Ria Bhrara

Bryn Hague

Miss Carter

Evan Billings

Aoife Jennings

Mrs Davis

& co-head Mr Clark

Yusra Shahid

Lakshman Kannan

Mr Spencer

Ruby Dennis

Matthew Jenkins

Miss Nicholas

Jonathan Tomlinson

Richelle Acheampong

Dr Apte

Emma Burry

Molly Usherwood


How our House System works 

All students and staff members are assigned to a House. House colours are worn with pride by students every day as they are interwoven in the school tie and house colour socks are worn for all sporting activities. Staff wear ribbons on their lanyards representing their house colours.

The system provides a vertical structure (to complement the horizontal year groups), a focus for internal competition and offer further opportunities for students to display qualities of collaboration and leadership. Sixth form students remain in their House following through from Year 11 and students new to the Sixth Form are allocated a House creating two vertical tutor groups per house.

The House Point System

House Points are awarded throughout the year for competitions for all year groups. Students compete in a variety of activities including various sports, dance, creative writing, drama, music, public speaking, historical castle design, photography, baking and the prestigious Sports Day. Above all, achievements are awarded by staff as recognition of effort, examples of Floydian Scholar around school and for academic work. The updated House Points can be seen are at the bottom of each page on this website.

House Cup Day

At the end of the academic year a whole day is dedicated to House competition called House Cup Day. During the House Cup Day students experience a wider choice of activities; science challenges, enterprise, sport and choirs to name a few. This culminates in a celebration assembly where final performances and awards are shared with the whole school. Once again, this occasion has a vertical theme and Sixth Form ambassadors and students take the lead roles in the activity preparation and delivery.