Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is allocated to a school to support the education of children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) and children in Local Authority care. It was introduced in April 2011 for children in Reception to Year 11. The government extended eligibility for the Pupil Premium in 2012-13 to pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years.

National Aims

The aims of this grant are to:

  • Address inequalities
  • Tackle disadvantage
  • Reach those pupils who need it most
  • Reduce the attainment gap and enable more pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to get to top Universities

How is our funding being spent?

Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School delivers a contemporary grammar school education which challenges and inspires everyone to achieve exceptional outcomes.

We aim to level the playing field. We empower all our students to contribute and engage with all aspects of school life. Through our Floydian Scholar attributes we aim to support our most vulnerable students by offering them opportunities to be resourceful, respectful, resilient, reflective and place an emphasis on reciprocity. We understand that education changes lives, and we have high expectations of our entire school community, including our disadvantaged students. We believe they are capable of changing the world and aim to deliver a broad curriculum that inspires students to push past any barriers they may face. They are our school community and we hold them in high regard. We encourage participation in trips, curriculum and learning.

We continue to invest a significant portion of Pupil Premium funding towards staff development. Through the CPD pathways we have secured a school-wide understanding of how disadvantage impacts on pupils’ learning and broader experiences in school. Our staff aim to see school life through the lens of disadvantaged pupils and their families. Our pastoral system is also developed and maintained in line with our disadvantaged strategy.

We have a sharp focus that many of our disadvantaged students have additional vulnerabilities and through assessment and not assumption, we seek to review who our contextual disadvantaged students are to close any gaps. We are ambitious that we pioneer a grammar school education which equips the visionaries of tomorrow and measure that success on the outcomes of our most disadvantaged students.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25

We encourage families and carers to let us know as soon as possible of possible entitlement through either our Free School Meal Checker Service and Service Premium checks. If you have any queries please email Mrs Evans, Assistant Headteacher on