Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School

Raising Achievement Office

At SHFGS we have an experienced and knowledgeable team who are the first point of contact for students when they require academic and pastoral support. There are many different staff members based in the Raising Achievement Office (RAO) who are always available to help, and if we can’t, we can put you in contact with someone who can.

A friendly and approachable team, the recently refurbished RAO is where students can come to speak to a member of staff about any worries, issues or concerns they may have. RAO staff work closely with Form Tutors, Heads of Year, class teachers, parents and carers to help ensure the best outcome for students pastorally and academically.

The RAO team supports students on a day-to-day basis with their mental health, but also on a longer-term basis if required, when students might be referred for counselling or outside agencies for further support. We work with, and put provision in place for students who face challenges that create blocks to their learning, and support them with interventions to try and overcome those difficulties.

Helpful Links

As well as support in school, there are other outside agencies that can offer support for students, parents and carers:

  • Kooth - – 24/7 access to self-help materials. Free, safe and anonymous online counselling and support
    The Samaritans – Phone free on 116 123 or go to for support in a crisis.
  • Childline - or 0800 1111 24/7 support online or on the free, confidential phone line. Childline is available to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through.
  • BucksMind - - mental health charity, providing support and advice to young people, parents and carers.
  • Calm - - a sleep, meditation and relaxation app.
  • Young Minds - - mental health charity supporting young people, parents and carers.
  • Headspace - - meditation and sleep app.
  • Shout - or text SHOUT to 85258 for 24/7 support. A free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.
  • C.A.L.M - - the Campaign Against Living Miserably is a leading movement against suicide
  • Muslim Youth Helpline - Here for you, Always listening, No Judgement. 0808 808 2008, open 4pm-10pm every day of the year.