Transition to Sixth Form
We want to help you grow into your best self and we are delighted that you are choosing to study with us at our Sixth Form. It is an exciting challenge moving from Year 11 to Year 12. To make the transition easier you will find useful information below to help understand more about the subject choices on offer.
Art & Design
Biology A Level Transition Pack A Level Biology
Biology textbook - all student get free online access
In order to be successful with chemistry in the 6th form, it is important that you have a solid understanding and knowledge of the fundamental aspects of the subject. Over the summer, we would like you to complete the attached booklet in preparation for a baseline test, which you will have in your first lesson in September.
If you have done the Combined Trilogy GCSE, rather than GCSE Chemistry, see the attached list of topic areas that you will need to go through to fill in the gaps. The CGP revision guide for AQA GCSE Chemistry or the physics and maths tutor web-site will be suitable resources:
If you feel confident in your knowledge and understanding of GCSE topics, I have attached an A level unit on Atomic Structure which you can work through as extension material.
Differences between combined trilogy GCSE and GCSE Chemistry
AQA transition from KS4 to KS5 guide
PiXL Independence KS5 Chemistry Atomic Structure Booklet
Computer Science
Computer Science A level transition
A Level Dance transitions materials
Drama and Theatre
SHFGS Drama and Theatre KS5 Transition Tasks
Yr12 transition English Literature
Preparing for A Level Geography
Transition Materials A Level History C20th Britain
Transition Materials A Level History C20th America
Music Appendix 1The Elements of Music
Music Appendix 2 Staff Notation
Music Appendix 3 Schumann Piano Concerto in Gm
PE - Bridging The Gap from GCSE to A Level
Transition Pack A Level Physics
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics transition work
Psychology Transition Material